Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Robbo |
Cootharabean | | | | | | |
Pete | | | | | | |
Rudi | | | | | | |
Moz | | | | | | |
Brynoz | | | | | | |
Vindr | | | | | | |
Astrid | | | | | | |
Shield Crusher | | | | | | |
Knut |
Haggar |
Gmac |
Helga |
Hawk |
Box56 |
Shifu |
Happy |
Gusto |
Kenlo |
Dylan72 |
???? |
Murf |
Ragnar Lothbrook |
Average | 33.24 | 31.37 | 20.48 | 19.92 | 26.79 | 100.58 |
Robbo (8693km):
2521 days ago Golden Beach, QLD, AU
Cootharabean (16087km):
2521 days ago Lake Weyba, QLD, AU GPSSTC had a problem so tried reposting this morning. Fun day yesterday. Wind really kicked in just as I headed out on 114/7.8/40, so had 2 trips across the lake with much tailwalking. Changed down to 98/7.0/30 which was plenty for the rest of the day. Good turn out today. Had to look behind me before I Gybed - felt like Burrum - Almost
Pete (133505km):
2521 days ago 2 categories   Lake Weyba, QLD, AU. Gusty S-SE, first sail in 3.5 weeks since breaking a rib so took it careful & rode freeride gear. Out with plenty of company, Greg, Chris, Paul, Mike, Shaun, Bryn, Adam ,Steve, Ken, Mark, Kelly, Dj & a couple of others.
Atomic 100/34FU/Naish7.0Noah.
Rudi (43093km):
2521 days ago Lake Weyba, QLD, AU
Moz (12423km):
2521 days ago Military Jetty, QLD, AU
Brynoz (2813km):
2521 days ago Lake Weyba, QLD, AU
Vindr (14000km):
2521 days ago Lake Weyba, QLD, AU a good days sail with lots guys out there ripping up the lake
Astrid (22412km):
2521 days ago Lake Weyba, QLD, AU out with heaps of the Weyba crew, gusty S SE wind overdone at the start on the 6.6m but wind eased off later in the afternoon so board and sail were about right
Shield Crusher (10651km):
2521 days ago Lake Weyba, QLD, AU
6.4 Naish Indy, Exocet 91 + 5.0 Gaastra Poison.