Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Ben | | | | | | |
ZbRider | | | | | | |
mikey | | | | | | |
phil | | | | | | |
Shannon | | | | | | |
Tony | | | | | | |
Vando | | | | | | |
Mr Keen | | | | | | |
Scotty | | | | | | |
Barbie | | | | | | |
Chris | | | | | | |
AndySails | | | | | | |
musorianin | | | | | | |
Drifter | | | | | | |
Ryno | | | | | | |
Boombuster |
Jemo |
Windsurfing Ninja |
Foily Mc Foil Head |
Martin Worling |
Wind Glider |
Trev |
Macey |
Wile E. Coyote |
Rob |
Starkode |
Dez |
marty |
Average | 36.56 | 33.93 | 17.82 | 22.42 | 25.31 | 96.52 |
Ben (8673km):
2374 days ago 7.8m
Lumpy conditions today; hard to keep the board on the water.
Wellington Point, QLD, AU
ZbRider (5991km):
2374 days ago Redland Bay , QLD, AU
Nice afternoon session with Vando, Mikey and John. Bit rough in the middle but great rigging - parking, spot to launch from. started off with a Vector G10 but it had no give in it, span out and almost impossble to recover. Changed to Zulu Carbon- Day & night diffrent.
After a sail we had a nice cool beer to top off the day.........................
110L/ AC-1 (7.1) Zullu 36 in the end.

mikey (16402km):
2374 days ago Victoria Point, QLD, AU 120 Gecko, KA Race 6.3, 33 tws
15-18kts, very rough water.
phil (50251km):
2374 days ago 1 categories  Last time I looked at the forecast it was only 15-20. Only packed the 7 m which was more than a handfull with the long weekend boat chop and some strong gusts at times.
FF99, Blade7m, BP34.
The Train, Southport, QLD, AU
Shannon (17504km):
2374 days ago The Train, Southport, QLD, AU
Tony (38178km):
2374 days ago The Train, Southport, QLD, AU
Vando (58839km):
2374 days ago Victoria Point, QLD, AU
Avoided the wello rat race today and meet up with Bisek, John, Mikey at Redland Bay.
Pretty choppy on the high tide but improved as the tide changed.
Caught up at the end for some beers thanks Bisek. Great end to the long weekend
Gear Gun GSR 7.1, Patric 115 and 92, range of fins
Mr Keen (35398km):
2373 days ago Sandstone Point, QLD, AU
Nice afternoon at Sandstone point with the Seabreezers. Wind a bit patchy at times. Such a nice place to sail!!
Iso107, R5 7m, Tribal 36
Scotty (12840km):
2373 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Only chance to get on the water was this arvo - was having a blast until i hit a turtle - took out my fin.
Oh well - it's only money!!
Barbie (9835km):
2373 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
Chris (1529km):
2373 days ago Lake Cootharabah
6M having problems with my Starboard Isonic
AndySails (33667km):
2373 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
Corker conditions at the lake today from about midday. Sadly, had to cut the sesh short and head home early afternoon after a great long weekend. Plenty of happy faces on the water today! 

musorianin (4851km):
2373 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Was going to go to Sandsone, but a bit of a delay getting away so ended up just going to Wello for a blast.
Drifter (26210km):
2373 days ago Victoria Point, QLD, AU
Mistral 112 / F-Race 100, KARace7.1, Clockwood 36, BP SW 31
I joined Vando, Bisek and Mikey at Redland Bay. We learnt one thing today, Redland Bay on a rising tide is a washing machine. Vando and I looked for some decent water from Redland Bay to Victoria Point to Couchie Mud Banks and back and could find nothing. The best water as it turned out was just of the beach at Redland Bay after the tide turned. I tried a few fin board combos to try and get settled. Once the wind kicked in after 3, I used the f-race 100 with the speed weed 31. This was by far the best combo in the challenging conditions. Bisek, thanks for the beer at the pub to round out a great arvo on the water.
Ryno (558km):
2373 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU