Hawk (36254km):
2346 days ago Golden Beach, QLD, AU quick blast ,97 i 35 select ,7.0 NP
Cootharabean (16087km):
2346 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU 7.0, 114,37.5. Noticed the wind had changed at home so shot down for a very brief sail. Should have rigged smaller. Lake has changed since begining of month due to the 200+mm of rain we had. So not so clear and more lumpy. Sailed with Phil, Troy, Chucky and a couple of others.Stephan from Byron was rigging up late. Great sail today
Pete (133505km):
2346 days ago Lake Weyba, QLD, AU. Bit light when I got to Weyba so rigged 7.8 which was good for about an hr, wind got to strong for it and to late in day to be bothered changing down. Bryn went back out on small gear after 5pm and had some good runs in the 20 kt plus wind by then.
112/35--105/31/7.8 O/d
Paul, Cootharaba lake level was at 0.42 at 4pm sunday, was down to 0.22 earier in week, big high tides pushed level up.