Peter (48505km):
2211 days ago Kalmus, Cape Cod. Warmer than Hatteras! The rain was only sporadic and light. However, 24 mph averages today on the wind meter were similar to 20 in Hatteras. I was often underpowered on 5.5/110. Part of that was decoupling - going over towards the shipping channel and beyond often resulted in being nicely powered, going back to the launch in being underpowered. Made a trip to Egg Island exactly at the one time where the wind dropped about 5 mph. Nina swears the wind is watching us to play games, and I'm starting to think she's right.
Alsosnoff (12786km):
2210 days ago Seaside Park, NJ, US iSonic 90L., RB 7M., 32cm. fin.