Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Vando | | | | | | |
Wind Glider | | | | | | |
Chriso | | | | | | |
Wile E. Coyote | | | | | | |
Jemo | | | | | | |
Ben | | | | | | |
Boombuster | | | | | | |
mikey | | | | | | |
musorianin | | | | | | |
Drifter | | | | | | |
Ryno | | | | | | |
Tony | | | | | | |
Shannon | | | | | | |
ZbRider |
Chris |
Windsurfing Ninja |
Foily Mc Foil Head |
Martin Worling |
Trev |
Macey |
Rob |
Starkode |
Dez |
marty |
Average | 34.87 | 32.37 | 18.29 | 23.40 | 28.57 | 101.96 |
Vando (58839km):
2236 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Nice early sail .
Had one good gust today so just kept going 
Gear Patrik 115, Gun Gsr 7.1, Job37
Wind Glider (7249km):
2236 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Good sail at wello with a good turn out
6.6 E type 110 atomiq 38 fin then 91 l lockwood w 34fin
Chriso (17727km):
2236 days ago 2 categories   More down then up until later but fun to get out at Cox for a run, a few of the Mob out and Mickey broke his mast so had a nice swim back.
M1-7.8, ISO72, T40
Point Halloran, QLD, AU
Wile E. Coyote (2333km):
2236 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU sail with vando,125 supersport,7 overdrive 44,fin
Jemo (6461km):
2236 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
short sail before it got too choppy. gusty up and down. a bit stuffed after 20k's MTB with Bisek this morning at sparrows fart. but good to do both in a day.
hopefully get out again tomorrow.
Ben (8673km):
2236 days ago 99L
Started at cox bank, was absolute s###. Went to wellington point and got a sail in. Some huge gusts or marginal wind. Good to be sailing - water temp is just magic. Heaps of south today up and down the markers.
Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Boombuster (66962km):
2236 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
Light wind again but good to catchup with Larko, Pugs, Sickem and a few other new arrivals.
Sailing from five mile.
Patrik110 KA Race7.9 BP WS42
mikey (16402km):
2235 days ago Point Halloran, QLD, AU Exocet Warp Slalom 58, 6.2 North Warp, 25 Tribal Speed. Out with Chrisso, John n Shannon. First time this place... a great spot that I'll be back to. Only down was a mast snapping mid run and a 2km swim back pushing n pulling my rig. Tnx to chrisso n john for the support. All good.
musorianin (4851km):
2235 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Beautiful day with lots of folk out. Got to try out my new / secondhand Ezzy Cheetah, 7.5. Occassionally overpowered when the wind came in ahead of the squalls, but pretty stable for a rotational sail. Bit dissapointed I didn't get a faster peak while the tide was still a bit low, need to work on that.
Drifter (26210km):
2235 days ago 2 categories   Point Halloran, QLD, AU
Mistral 112, KARace7.1, WS31
Chriso called for Cox Bank, so the faithful gathered at 11.00 to take advantage of a good tide. Unfortunately the wind didn't gather as well. Some of the faithfull gave up before they started, those who persisted were rewarded with a cruisey session that developed an edge towards the end with some good squirts. Mikey unfortunately broke his mast. All was well in the end,
I tried my new Motion GPS. It works well and provides great feedback while sailing. It's currently being tested by GPSTC so I posted from my GT31.
Ryno (558km):
2235 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Tony (38178km):
2234 days ago The Train, Southport, QLD, AU
Shannon (17504km):
2230 days ago Point Halloran, QLD, Aa