CNlake (946km):
2120 days ago The Train, Southport, QLD, AU
Fox 95, Aerotech 5.0, Tiga 31cm
Bit of a novelty sailing on weekends for me. Got on the water about 14:30 as the crowd was starting to thin. Thought i had rigged too small as i was walking down, so bolted back to the car and got the next size. Left it on the grass, didn't need it. Ton of fun, although a bit bumpy. First time on a smaller fin, pleased how it hung in, in the bump.
TonyK (41983km):
2119 days ago The Train, Southport, QLD, AU
sonic 100/np7/tt32
Big turn out
It was a bit of a weekend washing machine today with all the boats etc
Also did a few laps on the F89