Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
mikey | | | | | | |
Starkode | | | | | | |
Mr Keen | | | | | | |
CHRISL | | | | | | |
Drifter | | | | | | |
Windsurfing Ninja | | | | | | |
Shannon | | | | | | |
Tony | | | | | | |
Vando | | | | | | |
Wile E. Coyote | | | | | | |
Scotty | | | | | | |
musorianin | | | | | | |
Boombuster | | | | | | |
ZbRider |
Jemo |
Chris |
Foily Mc Foil Head |
Martin Worling |
Wind Glider |
Trev |
Macey |
Rob |
Dez |
marty |
Average | 33.75 | 31.44 | 21.89 | 22.66 | 25.58 | 89.62 |
mikey (16402km):
1997 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU 105 Hypersonic, 7m Warp, 33tws Out with usual crew; warm water; low tide; 15-17kts
Starkode (3844km):
1997 days ago 1 categories  Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Isonic 137 44cm 7.8
Mr Keen (35398km):
1997 days ago 1 categories  Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Great sail with a good turn out. Could have rigged bigger again but not too bothered as it was so much fun
Iso107, KA race 7.1, BP WS38
CHRISL (2705km):
1997 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Blast130 Naish sl 7.0 choco44
Very underdone early in the peace, once breeze kicked had a great sail. Really good to see the team out and having fun.
Drifter (26210km):
1997 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Mistral 137, Warp 7.0, SW 35
I rigged for the forecast, consequently it was a bit iffy at the start, but the wind got better as the afternoon progressed and the 7.0 was nicely powered and I could have used the 112 in the end. A good turnout on a Sunday. Come on summer.
Windsurfing Ninja (13648km):
1997 days ago 2 categories   Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Patrik 115, Avanti 7.7 @ VMax41
Great to have a quick blast again with the usual suspects...
Look forward to more days this summer...
Shannon (17504km):
1997 days ago 2 categories   Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
Started on 9.4 evo then changed down to 8.6 evo11 Fanatic121 ...42 fin with big whistle
I had to leave early sorry Vando ,family duties
Tony (38178km):
1997 days ago 1 categories  The Train QLD AU
Vando (58839km):
1996 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
Nice session up at the lake
Gear Patrik 115, Gun GSR 7.1, Job 38
Wile E. Coyote (2333km):
1996 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, supersports 125 with 7.8 overdrive nice sail today with the mob
Scotty (12840km):
1996 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
First sail for weeks.
Great day out with the MOB
Ray95 R8 7.0 Venom 34
musorianin (4851km):
1996 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Great sail with lots of the crew out. Fun was had...Naish Slalom 105, 32 weedspeed, 7.5 Ezzy cheetah
Boombuster (66962km):
1996 days ago 1 categories  Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Very light at first but then it filled in nice.
Good turnout and even a few faces I havent seen for a while.
Patrik110 KA Race7.9 BP WS42