Rolf de Ruiter (12852km):
1546 days ago Sick session!!! At the spot at 05.15 in the dark with 5 other mentally ill guys. The upwind journey to the starting point was already a really heavy one. Doing the runs was also no walk in the park, super gusty wind and a gap in the wall were chop comes in. Got launched a couple of times but no crashes fortunately. I was doing a lot of 79 runs, every run a little faster then the one before. Then finaly I got a really nice gust from start to end, which felt so awesome and resulted in my fastest run, max, 100m and 250m. So happy with the 2sec 88:)
A little later Twan also had a proper gust and made a sick run, kudos!!
Great company, challenging conditions and everyone completely out of energy, even Gerlof:p