Steve1001 (22355km):
1393 days ago Manly, QLD, AU
is67, 6.2warp
One hour attempt, way too rough, anyway, I'm proud of that result as it was super hard work.
Shane (14777km):
1393 days ago 1 categories S/SE: An epic day on the water sailing the high tide. Wind pushed the tide in and kept it high for longer. Very rough out past the markers later turning to awesome fun out in the wave swell as the tide ebbed.. Felt very comfortable on the Naish 95L. Had the whole bay to myself until Sipka turned up, followed later by Des, Dave Dennis, Dave No 2, Mark, Trevor Berrill and another dude not known to me. Expected to see more out though with these windy conditions, Speed, Naughties and Hours would be the aim of many a sailor today in less choppy seas..
Naish 95L Aerotech 4.5m2 FW28
Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Chriso (17089km):
1393 days ago Well had my train fix for a good while again! Started pretty well and I think my first run was the fastest and then slowly got lighter and gustier, I did find another good gust but unloaded the back foot and had nice long spin out. Good to catch up with a few of the Goldie crew with a few MIA as well.
ISO90, M3-7, t34
The Train, Southport, QLD, AU