Shane (16350km):
1533 days ago 1 categories  Awesome day sailing, NNE 14knots then building throughout the afternoon. Low tide at 3pm, but not a super low. Doubt we will get a day like this one again for a while. Headed out with a 5.8m2 and after 2.5 hours, it got too much to hold on to. Returned to shore and rigged down to a 5.2m2 and also refueled with some snacks. Wind eased a little in the late afternoon around 5:30pm, turning more NNW with more wind over towards Manly, (opposite to the earlier PM session). Plenty of sailors and kiters out for the long haul enjoying the great conditions. Vando out enjoying his new board, a Fanatic 107, even out for longer than my adventure this arvo.. Bonus for me to get a PB on my Hour of Power too!
Naish 95L 5.8m2 then 5.2m2 34 Nitro
Wellington Point, QLD, AU