Flex (19902km):
1424 days ago 1 categories  Melville Beach, WA, AU Went down around 3pm as looked like something might happen. Reg was there but after a bit decided today wasn't going to happen to left. Thinking Reg was the sacrifical lamb I went out which was a mistake. Made it to the sand bar, gybed and made it 50m back and the wind stopped dead. Managed to balance for a few minutes and gave up. Was on the sandbar and not a breath to even hold the sail in full vertical. No point uphauling as nothing. Waited 10 mins and got one gust, (now almost easterly) to get up and eventually got back to shore way downwind, did the walk of shame and went home to do other stuff. Prepared dinner and was having a beer when thought I heard wind outside and checked seabreeze..green arrows for the last 1/2 hr?? Since this was night when the tribe were off doing their own things I had an extra 1hr window of opportunity, so tore down, rigged up and set off just and the sun went below the horizon. Nice. Not gusty. Only did a few laps but was very pleasant and at least got my fix in for the day. Had I been paying more attention could of got an hour in of good wind. Usual melville setup, 120 Tabou Rocket, Severne M2 Overdrive and 33 Tribal weed speed
SRS73 (16959km):
1424 days ago Pelican Point, WA, AU
A long wait for the wind and then it came in with a bang at the end of the session. A bit of a leg burner (NM) to finish off! Ended up maxed on the 7.7.
AV 72.5, S2 Venom 7.7, 36 Pointer