Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Hawk | | | | | | |
Astrid | | | | | | |
Moz | | | | | | |
Shifu | | | | | | |
Knut |
Magnus |
Haggar |
Vindr |
Gmac |
Rudi |
Helga |
Box56 |
Shield Crusher |
Happy |
Gusto |
Robbo |
Kenlo |
Dylan72 |
???? |
Murf |
Ragnar Lothbrook |
Average | 31.19 | 29.32 | 15.61 | 22.59 | 21.17 | 36.72 |
Hawk (36193km):
1409 days ago 2 categories   Golden Beach, QLD, AU. 6.3 Wrap 97 isonic. on and off wind today quite a few out
Astrid (22178km):
1409 days ago Golden Beach, QLD, AU fun afternoon out with Moz and Gav and a few others. Wind SSE -SE up and down but the sun was shining at last! decided to try a few alphas as was a bit underdone on the 5.8 used a weed fin so could get in closer to the flatter water
Moz (12203km):
1409 days ago 1 categories  Golden Beach, QLD, AU
Jp slalom, 40 select, 7.8 mach1
Quick blast. 3 months since I been for a sail!
Shifu (37578km):
1405 days ago 2 categories   Queens Beach, QLD, AU
Birthday sailing afterwork in a very south SSE. Wind not getting in past the reef, but nice sailing out the back. Low tide. A fair few sailors at the beach.
Cheetah 6.5, Cross Carbon 94, S09 33