Peter Daish (26108km):
1032 days ago Lg WSW 25 to 40 knots, mistral 47 , 5.7 gun, 17 ATOMIC nuclear proto. LG at it's hardest.
Hoping for big things but LG always throws a curve ball sometimes. SOOOO different to 2 weeks ago. the weed has changed, the runways of weed are gone, deep sections are bumpy. and just couldnt get comfy on mistral and 5.7 gun. Amazing how you get so use to yr normal boards.
Every 40 knot squall was filled with Hail. crazy. then lulls. there was chances of 44 /45 knots but I didnt get them. lucky for the dry suit hey. Well done Andrew new comer to the bogans who stayed out the same time in thoses conditions. EPIC resilience !!!
Well done Stash for pulling a 42 but we were both disappointed with the day. epic walk from packins to get to the water. will have some go pro soon survivng the 40 knot gust half way out.!! To the guys sailing the Summer speed strip !!!, well that is mud now !! lol the video will be us in the middle of the speed strip !! lol.
I miss all the sailors in Feb and the summer breeze 
