Stephen (4800km):
845 days ago Fun session in a good seabreeze. Nelson.
Had written the day off with regards to getting a sail in, but then boom! sea breeze kicked in and it was a solid 18-22knots, it really did have punch to it unlike what we normally have. A rushed rig up and mixed feelings on the water. Happy with the gybes today although still coming up too high on the return leg. Sail was not tuned right, draggy and cambers not rotating? Checked everything more than once and could not find the problem. Added 0.5cm of downhaul and that helped but still not quite right, perhaps in that more solid wind I needed more downhaul (Would need the next hole in the extention). The sail was perfect last week when I did a 1hour PB and I think I had the same settings today?
KAR7.0, IS60, Tribal 27