Flex (19427km):
765 days ago Albany. Wasn't planning on distance...didn't charge the GPS's, Didn't fill the camel back, was faffying around upgrading software on the GPS's and since camping in windshadow didn't notice the wind. Took a look at the beacon finally and was reading 15kts..WTF? Headed down and went out on the big gear...used a FF22 which was a bit squirrelly in the chop but great in the smooth over at Waricles flag. Was super nice cruise in the sun and realised was perfect distance day...arg...biggest problem would be water so went in to get the nearly empty camelback and drink any remaining water I had. Continued on and had the place to myself with the only company a plover sitting on Waricles Flag the entire time...didn't seem to be fussed me zooming by with the giant sail just a couple of meters away..he/she stayed there only flying off for a few minutes before coming back. Some teabags finally came out around 3:30 and insisted on sailing the same line as me and frightening my feathered friend off..was cursing them and the wind died...talk about instant Karma payback, they only got one run before they had to limp home but wind was still enough for me....slowly wind started dying but also swinging south so started heading back, final run was chug fest and 100m from launch spot (kiters end) the wind totally died and spun due south so did the walk of shame. iSonic 117, SvT 8.6, FF22. (Note due to file size KA72 not accepting the UBX logs but data matched on two approved GPS's and also recorded the gpy format so will try up loading that later..else Apple watch)