Macroscien (22004km):
420 days ago 1 categories The Train, Southport, QLD, AU
FF99, OD7.0 TR29
Lovely sailing conditions at Train today. Moderate stable wind and flat water, Can not ask for better cruising.
Michaelb (499km):
420 days ago The Train, Southport, QLD, AU
FF140 , duotone s type 7.3 tribal 44
Was shit at the beginning, swinging everywhere and everything from 5 knots to 20. Then about 1pm it came good and had a good session, should have come in and changed down board at least. Day ended with big crash, but had a awesome sail.
Marina (7927km):
420 days ago 1 categories Burrum Heads, QLD, AU
FF90, Patrik Race+ 5.8m, Tribal WS25
Awesome day out with Daivd P, Geoff R and the Hervey Bay crew