Tricky Bogan (22211km):
201 days ago Sailed with Birthday boy Carl, headed to Voodo Land on a wild & wooly day, drizzling rain cold overcast & wicked gusts 15-30knt.
Was light when arriving but rigged for the forcast plodded out regretting rigging the Loft RB 5.8 Isonic 87 Tribal supa weed 27. On the leg back the wind kicked a bit & was nicely planing, was a bit fickle on & off. Then it dialed up & was in the goldy locks zone, WoW this is going to be a great sail then Wam Bam squally 30 knt gusts, the rest of the sail was ON & Off never really got in the zone, seemed to be fighting with over powered gust sloppy short chop. diddint try any bearaways as my hands & feet were cold and was a bit Gumby Unko, so was a bit conservative today.
Was still good to get the work out & some Vitamin Sea
Captain bogan (50760km):
201 days ago Point Pearce, SA, AU voodoo land 15 to 30
Great birthday sail with tricky. Rigged the 5.6 and 1st run out thought I'd made a mistake. A couple of runs in and it cranked and was gusting to 30 knots. Managed an early hour and it took alot out of me with barely any tow lately. Had a few good squirts with a 37.49 on the dial but cut back alot.
Did an alpha and a mile and called it. Alot of fun great to be back on the water and hopefully head out again today....
Patrik 87 / 5.6 loft racing blade / tribal weedspeed 29.