Trojan (8467km):
126 days ago 2 categories   Mackay, QLD, AU
Nice little sail with Chris on a rough incoming tide. Initially 15knts then a passing rain squall cranked it up and things got a bit hectic but some good bearaways to be had in the rough water. A second squall came through and killed the wind. Had a close encounter with a leopard shark as a bonus for the day. Wind came back while we were downrigging as always. Fox 105, Ezzy lion 7.5, 38 Powermax
Eddy (24342km):
126 days ago Port Douglas, QLD, AU Quick arvo sail on 105 Fox , burnt out 7m sail with to much down haul and 40 cm fin. Had a good fun blast in a very choppy sea with fast in coming tide 15 to 20 kts of breeze with a few good gust. Dropped 2 gybes out the back and had one wipe out in some angary chop..Wasn't paying enough attention to what i was doing and just letting the Fox do all the work..Wind dropped off towards the end so it was game over..guess it was worth rigging up for..Don't think my GPS is very happy for some reason. all good fun Cheers Ed.