Peter (48866km):
14 hours ago Albany, WA. Saw some glass when we arrived, but tide had come in by the time we made it onto the water. Plenty of wind but could not find 5th gear, so decided to go for an hour. Just as I was about to start, the boom made funny sounds, and was aboiut 5 cm shorter than before. Had to go in and tape the old Fiberspar connectors in place, which fortunately worked. Tried again but messed up lots of jibes at first. Eventually got mostly dry jibes but dropped of the plane a lot. Stopped partly because my toes hurt, and discovered open and bloody blisters on both feet. For once, It's a good thing I don't have much feeling in the toes. On the plus side, it was sunny, warm, and windy enough for the 6.2 for many hours. Fun day.,