Pete (131754km):
9 days ago Lake Cootharaba, variable wind, rigged to small in the morning with 7 mtr. Changed up to 7.5 after lunch which was good for almost an hour then it cranked up to well over 20 kts and was overpowered so called it a day. 118 - 112 - 125 / WW 30 & 32 / NCX 7.0 & GATOR 7.5
Walkman (8043km):
9 days ago Lake Cootharaba, Q
Quite variable at times. Out on 7m and Manta early. Going most of the time. Went up nr green beacon water state better there. After lunch was badly holey. Eventually came in and swapped to the AHD 106 and washed the redbacks off it. Wind filled in more but some filthy gusts at times.
A few takers today... Pete, Matt , Jason , Scott and a bucket load of dingers , a few other slappers , the odd kite.