Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Jack Bogan | | | | | | |
hoppybogan | | | | | | |
Tricky Bogan | | | | | | |
Nobody here except us chickens | | | | | | |
Captain bogan |
Retired Bogan |
PJ |
Trousers |
Sellicks Bogan |
mikewho |
1% Bogan |
Bushman Bogan |
Canadian Casey |
Peter Daish |
Kraken Bogan |
NeedSpeedStash |
Soto |
Andy Weatherill |
Average | 34.09 | 32.14 | 17.96 | 22.14 | 28.31 | 61.12 |
Jack Bogan (3894km):
12 days ago LG @ The Spit
92 Patrik Slalom 6.3 KA Race 27 Choco Weed
hoppybogan (26584km):
12 days ago Stansbury, SA, AU 20-25 SSE
P87,NP5,Choco 26 weedy
Great afternoon sailing in the stronger wind, worn out
Tricky Bogan (22211km):
12 days ago 1 categories  Stansbury 20-25knts Rigged the Loft RB 5.8 Isonic 86 Leassacher 28 Weedie, due to poor rigging got abasoloutly worked the first 15 m felt like an hour. 4cm of down haul fixed the problem & then had a great sail with Hoppy was a ripper work out cant remember it being that windy for eva , Called it quits before the body couldnt take any more, got a busy week ahead. Enjoyed a cold frothy with Hoppy 
Nobody here except us chickens (12193km):
12 days ago 50min to get from Pooraka to Sems . Used to be a 16min drive. Then Sellicks wind observ (plus others) was dying out. Rigged small wave board and 4.7. Maxed out O/P at the start, but glad I did rig that. Ended up an enjoyable sesh. Last run, I'm 95% confident I gybed on top of a shark. Not sure how big it was, but had that distinct fin movement on top of the water. Pumped sail to make sure I stayed on the plane through the gybe and out of it !
Glad you had a good sail guys . Wish I was there.