MobZ (5604km):
31 days ago 1 categories  Lake George, SA, AU. There's not much point cursing the wind while eating fruit bread post session, drinking coffee and walking the flats, cursing the wind, but that's what i did after Tone left. I think it picked up just that extra notch that would have locked the bus in top gear, but, one mud walk a day only. I almost went again when i first came in but didn’t. Almost regret that a bit now. I shouldn’t have been lazy and taken big bertha 8.5. Super keen to get the JP SLW 165 lit on the flat but it’s been patchy wind barley 10kts. Ezzy Lion 7.5 and today tried 23 pepe. The pizza cutter fin was fine on the flat but a bit slippery at the bumpy end. I thought it might be a better mud slicer than the beast 28 fangy but today was easier to get out with wind direction so i probably could have used it. Maybe it would have went then. Still no complaints though, the only thing i’d truly regret would be if i didn’t come down and try i reckon. Glad Tone was here giving it a crack too.
