Windxtasy (14541km):
10 days ago coodanup 8 - 12 kn is107, 33WS, 24FF, 7 K
First test of the new board to see how it would go in very light wind.
Arrived to 8 - 10 kn. Would have gone home except Waricle was keen for me to test the new board.
Couldn't get planing, and the 33 was catching the bottom in places.
Came in, Waricle left, wind swung a bit E and picked up to 10 - 12 kn, so I changed to the fangy fin and headed out again.
Enjoyed a handful of planing runs, this board planes at 7 kn of board speed, then the wind backed off again and I chugged in at around 4 kn.
Enough to establish this will be a good light wind board as long as there is 10 kn of wind, it works well with a 24 FF, and the footstraps, although a bit tight (now adjusted), were in the right places.