Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Jay | | | | | | |
Boz | | | | | | |
Stretch | | | | | | |
Pointman | | | | | | |
Flex | | | | | | |
Slowboat |
Doddi |
Woody-Mark |
Pos |
Antman |
kai |
Richo 72 |
Al |
Rondog |
Tim |
Lucca |
Average | 31.97 | 29.58 | 16.67 | 19.72 | 25.92 | 48.47 |
Jay (16537km):
10 days ago Patrik Slalom 130, Tribal Carbon 40, Race + 8.4. Early morning session with Daz off Pt Walter. Cruised up to the Narrows and back- perfect way to start the day!!!
Boz (46775km):
10 days ago 1 categories  Birchmont, WA, AU
Went for a recon to see if HP is suitable for the ESE, not bad at all, Northern side of sand bar near perfect but only did one run slightly shallow with a .65 tide but from the island to the shore probably one of the best speed runs potentially. Played the southern side long runs to the top. Bottom southern side what I saw was also massive potential. Had to leave early so missed the second wave of the Easterlie, wind as consistant as an Easly gets, the trees didn't seem to bother the wind. Give it a proper Easterlie tide .75-.8 and the run from the island to the shore is better than Albany, no weed drag just need to weave a bit between the fishermen.
AV88 KAR 5.7

Stretch (32413km):
10 days ago Koombana Bay, WA, AU wingfoil sesh
Pointman (27215km):
10 days ago 1 categories  Pelican Point, WA, AU
Fun sesh in a solid easterly. Pretty powered up on the Hydro 85 + 6.0 + 460 SLR combo, the gusts were nudging 30K at times.
Messy seas through the middle of the river, so I went for bearaways in the lee of Melville.
Had some fun runs, but no big speeds.
Good sesh! There haven't been very many good easterlies this season, so stoked to score a good one late in the season 😊

Flex (20553km):
10 days ago  Birchmont, WA, AU. Considered launching at Island point as figured would be cleaner air and easier to get back if the wind dropped. Wind was better in am and nice low tide and knew the Bozinator would hit it first thing, so I headed for Herron. However I had previously arranged commitment that needed doing so didn't get down till around 11:30 with Boz long gone. Oddly no crabbers today despite the lower tide but plenty of other stuff to dodge. Tide was a bit higher than Boz had and optimal/perfect for playing in the flats to the north of the sandbar. Had to dodge a few horses getting exercised, then during a brief lull when I was chugging over the deep channel splitting the sandbar there appeared a large fin just a few meters from me. Startled me but was just a Dolphin thankfully. A few minutes larter there appeared a pod of dolphins, maybe around 5 of them in the same channel directly in my path. Since I was fanging at speed, instead of trying to dodge them I stopped, got off and let them pass. Considered doing a long run to island point but the wind was dropping and didn't want the slog back upwind so left that for another day. Finally a nice location for these pesky easterlies. iSonic97, 7SVR8, FF22(18)