Flex (19868km):
723 days ago Albany, WA, AU. Was last to arrive with the A team hard at work. Rigged up then Woody came in and suggested I have a go on his Falcon 56 board. Boz and Woody also played around tuning my sail and off I went. NM was so easy to get up to so straight up for a blast down that...3 PB's on first attempt, so tried again and kept improving the NM over and over but top speed kept dropping. Then tried Alpha's but couldn't keep the new board planing and struggled to get inside the gate on most attempts even though the speeds were good. Spread the cameras around everyone for hopefully some different perspective and burnt 6 batteries with the drone. Went out on the iSonic/FF18 to see if could improve Alpha/compare....could turn much better on the familiar board but couldn't match speeds. Thanks so much Woody for the loan of board and fin and all the help. Fanatic Falcon 56, KAR6.3, Tribal delta 16
Antman (26038km):
723 days ago Albany, WA, AU
Great to get back down to lilacs with a pretty good forecast and a top crew,allways wanted more power but more than happy with what we had..Powerd by the 6.3SCR,49ISO,20ws..