Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
kato | | | | | | |
Sailquik | | | | | | |
Seahorse | | | | | | |
Spotty | | | | | | |
Peter Johnston | | | | | | |
Mathew Robertson | | | | | | |
Tom Chalko | | | | | | |
Shelby |
Nic R |
Mr Love |
Mal Wright |
Stuart Eustice |
Ado |
Mal Faulkner |
andrew dickenson |
Pip (Old codger) |
Brad |
Chinaman |
Dazzer |
Tempest |
Tone |
supernan |
SeaSkip |
Johndog |
Neil Maskiell |
Hajime |
PMosse |
Dazman |
Troppo |
Sunshinesailorgirl |
Josh |
fordy007 |
Phee |
Adrian |
Average | 43.00 | 40.73 | 13.00 | 21.06 | 27.41 | 42.89 |
kato (38211km):
5421 days ago A crash and bash session with the Inverloch crew at Area 45 after the longboard session. Pretty happy with the speeds considering i put a gun nail through 2 fingers Ca40,Ka5.8,tm 26
Sailquik (29888km):
5421 days ago Very West. Had to find the squalls. CA 40, 5m Koncept, 20cm KA fin.
Seahorse (2398km):
5420 days ago After ripping it up on kona longboard at the Inverloch Windsurfing Club Longboard Day (top speed 23.4 kts) I travelled round the corner with the crew to Area 45.
Whole day was very squally but good sailing between the hail and driving rain. Kato finally convinced me that 29cm fin wasn't much bigger than his 26cm and we could scoot across the shallows for a Nautical Mile. Sadly I didn't really get a run where I got it all just right with wind and angles etc. Carbon Art sl58 pleased me once again with its willingness to stay controlled overpowered and in chop . bit sore today from all the slamming over chop. Wish I could joing the crew at the pit for the Monday!!
Thanks Mick, Doug and the Southerly Busters for sharing your homeland with us...
Spotty (8858km):
5420 days ago Underdone in eratic up down swinging wind, getting a run was like winning a chook raffle. 5.7 KaK'cpt, 23Ka'asym, SP44, SL75
Peter Johnston (8890km):
5420 days ago Very west wind and bumpy course and a day in which I was going to take it a bit easy to conserve energy for Monday 12th which looked to be better. But after two 40+ runs and a 39.4 I really busted a gut to get some more good runs to get a 40+ 5x10. But it wasn't to be. Long tiring walks up the run and the remains of a lurgy - totally shagged by the end of it - I can't believe that I only did 27km!! Great and unexpected to get new PBs though. The 2 sec PB was in the best squall of the day - I managed to head out early in the waiting pack and get it when it still had some oomph.
Lorch Div S 63L, 20cm KA assy, 09 5m KA Koncept.
Mathew Robertson (8362km):
5419 days ago
Tom Chalko (688km):
5418 days ago