Tone (3903km):
1787 days ago Lake George, SA, AU from 5 Mile
first hour
isonic 94L, KA 5.8 Koncept , 26cm Atomicsurf weed 45, tried going all over the place, more k's on the isonic than the JP below, good blast
second hour
JP 50speed 64L with the 26cm Atomicsurf weed 45, faster but harder to scoot around, mostly just across
anotther shot on the speed board, next will try the Kestrel 16cm, not sure a 5.8 is the go tho with that
wind 15 to 20/25?knts
Sailquik (29660km):
1787 days ago 2 categories Lake George SA.
Another lightish wind day but a few knots more than yeaterday.
Started on a 2018 6.2m Koncept. powered up but didnt have the sweet feel of the 2020 5.7m Speed. Seemed to be enough wind so I came in and changed down. Immediatly faster by 2 knots both downwind and upwind.
Has a ball chasing down the glassy section and even tried a couple of Alphas.
Wind probably around low 20's.
Lots of KA sails on the water today (I think everyone?) so it was very hard to pick who was who. I might have some good video from the helmet cam today.
IS80 2017, Techtonics 21 speed demon, Forst 2018 6.2m KA Koncept and then 2020 5.7m Speed. GW-52 GPS.
kato (37880km):
1786 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
Cheeky Monkey 53 with a MXR 20 speed weed
Need to work out how to combine the other gps as it went flat and missed the stronger wind times
Very surprised by the times as the 6.6 wasn,t that lit up. I also missed the speeds with the Atomic Speed weed 22. The fin felt great .....until I hit the shallows and gave it saw teeth
The best and only day of SE at about 22kts. Back home now but I will consider a quick boarder raid if the wind gods align