Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
RobbieK | | | | | | |
Wendles | | | | | | |
Tiges | | | | | | |
Kempsta | | | | | | |
DazzaJ | | | | | | |
Old Salty | | | | | | |
Smithy | | | | | | |
Matt Hosie |
madventure |
B3 |
Sav |
Bella |
Laurie Spies |
Tim Pittaway |
Hazza1 |
BigEzy |
Vitaly |
John N |
Geoffee |
PJ |
Rom |
AUS2804 |
Average | 37.31 | 35.45 | 15.31 | 22.79 | 27.11 | 46.78 |
RobbieK (6140km):
2154 days ago Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU
iSonic 50 speed board, Koyote 5.3
Wendles (4389km):
2154 days ago Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU
Isonic Speed 66 Litres, NCX 5.0
Tiges (10930km):
2154 days ago 2 categories   Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU
Eastly the norm at 45 great fat water , good friends and cold beer live dosen't get much better 
Falcon 89 NCX6;5 23 S/W
Kempsta (10450km):
2154 days ago Falcon 89, Mach1 5.5, S/W 25
Great day out
Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU
DazzaJ (11148km):
2154 days ago Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU
Great day out. Fun sailing regardless of results. Topped off with a lovely can at the end of the day, Andrew - you are a (Kemp) STARRR!! 
Old Salty (5360km):
2154 days ago Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU
CA63 Koncept 6.6 Tribal 34
Quick spurt after IWC training day. Good crew out fun times. First time over 30 kts for a bit
Smithy (1529km):
2154 days ago Area 45, Mahers Landing, VIC, AU