Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Griff | | | | | | |
RedSurfBus | | | | | | |
Swagger | | | | | | |
The Matrix | | | | | | |
El Reg | | | | | | |
Chandler | | | | | | |
Ian Richards | | | | | | |
Goostaff | | | | | | |
Will | | | | | | |
Gilesey | | | | | | |
Jim Crossley |
Normski |
Camel |
will |
Mike G |
Duncan |
JK |
Woody |
Rob King |
Tris |
Jim |
Dogfish |
Cheese |
Gav |
SimonH |
Chrisy |
Dickie |
Stinky pete |
Sam Anstey |
James Faley |
TJ |
TJ |
George Fulton |
Mark newman |
Pippington |
Average | 42.35 | 40.32 | 19.98 | 23.16 | 28.57 | 88.64 |
Griff (1642km):
5088 days ago Early start. Grey but not painfully cold. I haven't sailed much recently so left the 85L board in the van. Sailed alone, Pete arrived while I was packing up.
RedSurfBus (12504km):
5087 days ago Learnt a lot on the slalom board today. Muscles need to wake up again though.
Swagger (5821km):
5087 days ago 1 categories  No no no no no no!!!!! wrong board wrong sail wrong time of day wind dropped didn't get planing properly tried an hour in my stupidity thinking i could get somewhere?
Hope others done ok?
The Matrix (20956km):
5087 days ago poor swagger. well i did offer you the old dog so you ve only got yourself to blame.
El Reg (1613km):
5087 days ago 1 categories 
Chandler (555km):
5087 days ago 2 categories  
Ian Richards (18353km):
5086 days ago For the wind strength we had today speeds should of been higher, so it was a bit frustrating and hard work but still a great day. Bit square blasting down the Kirb so bear offs into the middle was fastest. Tried my weight vest for first time, really noticed extra tiring pull on the arms and gave up fairly quickly, might try with waist harness. Also tried the JP 45 with Caspar 23 and TM45, not quite as quick as the Falcon Speed, but a nice board. Great 2 day trip.   Â
Goostaff (2301km):
5086 days ago 2 categories   Good day and top fun. Not broad enough for me and looking at my tracks the only half decent speeds was bearing off from the wall and I didn't carry them for nearly long enough. The course has suffered since the refurbishment and hopefully one day it will be back to it's old self. Warm weather and flat all the way down though so no complaints at all. Ian was going really well on the tight course and got a top average for the day. Big thanks to Paul for putting me up! Looking forward to the next session The C3 strike did a great job and despite me becoming airbourne on a 41 knot run locked straight back in. Hopefully next time a bit more angle and more wind for the 5.2
Will (381km):
5085 days ago Not a good day ! I was under powered with the 5m changed to 5.8m and 35 knots of wind arrived. Changed back to 5m and the wind dropped. Really dissapointed as wanted to get 40knots.
Gilesey (213km):
5085 days ago First time to sail West Kirby, the wind was quite square to the wall. Lacked fitness to achieve 40 knots, missed by 1 knot on Display ! Next time