Mark Hayford (6908km):
5312 days ago Up at 5am, meet up with Paul, Peter and Daz at 6am ish. Not much wind so rigged an 8m. Wind came in, so rigged a 6.3m. Got on the water with an W53/6.3m and wind dies. Switched to the iS111/8m and wind picks up. This is prett much the pattern for the rest of the day. Even used the 8m on the W53 for while, but it was no faster than the iS111 in these conditions. I really struggled to find and stay with any decent gusts today. Starting to realise that 20k warm winds are not as grunty as 20k cold winds, this is the main problem at the moment, the problem is compounded with the winds being very gusty/on/off. The 8m is slightly to much for the W53. Fastest speeds today were on the iS111/8m/41cm fin. Although far from perfect, it was nice to get a few runs in on speedboards.