Serge Beumer (6317km):
4928 days ago 2 categories What a weekend! Martin called me Saturday evening at around 9 PM and at 10 I was in the car on my way to West Kirby. We arrived at around 8AM on Sunday morning with hardly any sleep and I beleive we sailed from about 11 AM to about 7-8 PM! The wind was not super strong but I guess the gusts hit 35 knots and the course was very broad, so halfway the run you had to bear off into the chop. Very pleased with the ouitcome, finally a new PR on average and top speed and probabakly some more. Martin, this was the best phonecall I received this year ha ha!
The board and sail were just great! So much control in the Loft Racing Blade 5.6 and so much speed potential. The C3 Strike 20 asy is still my favourite speedfin at this time. Super controllable and not a single problem with it's behaviour.
I hope to be back for more. It was great fun with the West Kirby pack!