Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Elmo | | | | | | |
man of | | | | | | |
nebbian | | | | | | |
Decrepit | | | | | | |
Hardie |
Binny |
Bugs |
Bender |
Firiebob |
Sammy the snail |
Pepe47 |
evets |
SluGger |
Bully boy fat Basil |
ratz |
fangy |
otts |
Oaf |
(Puf-) fin |
Shane121 |
WazzaYotty |
Morts |
Mad Max |
TOBYchef |
Jonski |
Swindy |
remery |
Auz |
waricle |
Greggo |
Frank |
Rayman |
Rocky |
Hammer |
Lombok |
Katalyst |
The Scud |
Stingray |
Rob |
Sam |
Scud |
Ilya Panagushin |
Average | 37.44 | 36.11 | 16.02 | 21.64 | 32.68 | 66.11 |
Elmo (32159km):
6301 days ago Windtech Prolite 900 & JP Slalom Pro II 84L, NP RS4 6.2m, Elmo Weed G10JP32 45º 23cm.
Data from Navi using Realsped and Doppler
Hardies turned it on today, so many happy smiling faces showing in PB city.
Absolutely awesome session, stoked to get 39.82 on the Navi screen.
Even more stoked to get Nm Pb backed up with 33.557Nm just to show it wasn't a fluke. Hardies line is the way to go.
Only downside was a huge stack @39.04knots which Rag doll cart wheeled me into oblivion. HUGE THANKS to Snides and Claude who came back to check up on me in the knee deep water. Well happy to get back on the horse with a 39.24 on the next run.
The list of people to congratulate are way to huge to post here but the standout for the day was again Pedro with 2x 41knot peaks come up on his Navi huge effort by all.
Bring on the next one, Hopefully Hardie Ben and Robin can be here to appreciate it.
Now I need a hot bath to soothe the rib cage
man of (3048km):
6301 days ago My shortest weed fin is good for cutting weed only!
nebbian (8313km):
6299 days ago 1 categories  20-25 knots at Hardie's Run. 5m Ezzy Wave SE, Elmo weedy and Strapper slalom board (thanks Elmo!)
Stepped on the strapper and broke my 2sec PB by 2 knots on the first run. Extremely stoked about cracking 30 on the nautical mile, and 20 for my Alpha.
Congratulations to all the others out at Hardies (especially Decrepit for cracking 35 knots!), conditions were about as good as they get.
Decrepit (55576km):
6296 days ago Had a ball today, only downside is, even with a few PBs, my speeds don't replace the missing hardy, don't think I've sufficiently backed up Elmo's effort to get us back in 2nd spot. It's up to you "man of".
Started with elmo's $50 special, fast and flighty board, then used my speed board, followed by hardy's weapon, got 35s on all 3.
navi max display 35.28kn
2sec doppler 34.936kn
I've gone with RS. trackpoints 35.322kn
I'll go to doppler start of next year.
500m 33.259kn