Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Hardie | | | | | | |
Binny | | | | | | |
Pepe47 | | | | | | |
Bender | | | | | | |
Elmo | | | | | | |
evets | | | | | | |
nebbian | | | | | | |
Sammy the snail | | | | | | |
Decrepit | | | | | | |
Bugs |
Firiebob |
man of |
SluGger |
Bully boy fat Basil |
ratz |
fangy |
otts |
Oaf |
(Puf-) fin |
Shane121 |
WazzaYotty |
Morts |
Mad Max |
TOBYchef |
Jonski |
Swindy |
remery |
Auz |
waricle |
Greggo |
Frank |
Rayman |
Rocky |
Hammer |
Lombok |
Katalyst |
The Scud |
Stingray |
Rob |
Sam |
Scud |
Ilya Panagushin |
Average | 37.34 | 35.79 | 16.27 | 24.25 | 33.17 | 56.70 |
Hardie (35900km):
6251 days ago 2 categories   WOW what a day, about 18 to 28, maybe the odd gust to 30, Strongest gust I measured on the wind gauge on shore was 26.4 knots (Which nearly moved me off my feet). T1 RS 59 Gaastra Vapour 5m Lessacher 23cm Chamaeleon. Was exhilirating sailing, Hardies was choppier than usual with higher tide, and more southerly in the wind. Probably a touch under done on the 5m but never ever felt over-powered, always comfortable even in the most brutal gust (Cost of that = less speed). Board felt a bit big in chop bounced around a lot, which made it fkn exhilirating at 35/36 knots. All speeds, Doppler, Track Point speed had a few 39's which shows you how inaccurate that can be. Only disappointment was being unable to back up Elmo's great speeds he was on fire. I Was a show off today and had a wavesail early, big mistake, the NM's were torture the legs couldn't hack the pace, pulled out early on many runs (Silly Boy, Greedy Boy), am surprised I got an NM pb I think (Yes I did), just hung in there long enough. There was potential for higher speed today, I was just off the pace, won't steal anyone's thunder though!!
Binny (3116km):
6251 days ago
Pepe47 (12846km):
6251 days ago
Bender (23190km):
6251 days ago Iso86, 6.4m X-15, F1 32cm
5-20knt S Lechenault Inlet
Crap direction for speed runs as it was knee+ high chop.
Went for alpha's instead
Elmo (32159km):
6251 days ago JP Slalom Pro II 84L, NP RS4 6.2m, Elmo Weed 45deg G10JPS32 23cm.
Try as I might I couldn't catch Tim he owned the day.
Had a bit of a frustrating session with apart from about 4 runs I got bounced out of the bloody harness by the chop, generally coinciding with a good gust approaching the flat patch, (lots of choice language inserted here).
The tide was quite full so it made the run a touch bouncy but it was still fun. Amazed that I got 6x 30+ Nm's today as I generally wasted 1-200m trying to get back into the harness on most runs.
Definitely helped the other day having an angry sail, seriously going to have to look at investing in a slightly smaller sail than the 6.2m was a touch uncomfortable and my shoulder is back to burning again, where those anti-inflam's.
All in all not to bad a session with the boys (and Binny)
Well done to all who PB'd today, it wasn't easy out there.
evets (21562km):
6251 days ago My first GPS session and wow it was a windy one. 4.5m wave sail and Mistral Screamer Concept plus a borrowed GT-11 from Binny (many thanks Binny) and a borrowed weed fin from nebbian (many thanks nebbian). I had great fun and broke 30kts. I'm hooked!
nebbian (8313km):
6251 days ago 2 categories   Hardies run gusts probably 25 knots, no more.
Got there a bit late because I had a wavesail early on. Got blown off the water on the waves so thought I'd better have a go on the speed run.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :-)
Sammy the snail (29353km):
6251 days ago 1 categories  mmh don't we love it all, that GPS reading after the session is like the cherry on the cake every time ;)
Congrats to everyone for they PBs, Elmo for taking the day;))
I started my session today at point walter around 15.30 where I did some 33s and 34s, very gusty and hard to sail I found!
So I rushed down to hardies to have a real session. I could do today with a 5m and a smaller fin too, I was not confy most of the time and was testing the F2 missile which got potential and got me already higher of where I was.
I passed half of the time adjusting, still not there!
But, enough crying I had a bal and hope everyone enjoy today
F2 missile S, 5.8 RS, JP24 weedy
Decrepit (55576km):
6245 days ago What a great session!!!! Finally getting my gear tuned, found the front strap moved back was a bit too far shifted it forward to it's old position, but I think moving the back straps back helped.
Hit something just below the surface and destroyed my cedar/carbon/stainless fin! unfortunately the stainless was only on the tip of this fin, and the impact was a centimeter or so above the base.
Alpha calculated with trackpoints, rest are doppler from gpsarPro.
Which make these PBs even more special as most of the ones they replace were trackpoints.
Even had a nice wave sail this morning. Yippee!!!!
Display max 35.47
Interesting I've just checked results with realspeed and they're a bit different. Alpha is the same, but 2sec is only 35.164 instead of the 35.37 of
But 10 sec average is more 34.849 instead of 34.61. (woops realspeed was still on trackpoints and I'd taken the best gpsar result instead of the average, so have reduced it to the gpsar average result of 34.23, realspeed is now 34.22)
NM is less, 32.842 instead of the 33 even, (is this rounding up decimal points??) {Edit again, stupid old twit, R.Speed was set to trackpoints for N.M. strangely when set to doppler it increases to 32.998}
1hr is less 14.469 instead of 14.51
500m is more 33.947 instead of 33.54. Very strange! Guess I'd better change these to the realspeed figures, think that's what most people are using.