Sammy the snail (29353km):
5989 days ago not enough time for me to go to hardies today, taking off in few hours.. 
10 to 12 clock SBay session, lucky shoot again tide was med low, but the run the other way around.
Wind most of the session gusty SSW 12-22 knots, started CA44, 5 RS, 225/43 SS, few runs getting 31-32s, crapy.. broke a batten grrrr rigged up 5.8 RS, CA 50, 265/43 SS, few runs getting 33, 34, then 35.2, yeeeh now we talking. Then wind finally my last 30 mins become more stable and solid, back to shore swap boards around, few runs then 36.2 yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, then I though I better to go if I don't want to miss my plane and that should do for a head start for the team!
I can just imagine hardie this arvo is going to be great, tide and wind will be there... team bring the numbers yeeeeeeeeeeeeh
the 44 was just a delight to jiibe, I almost thought I was on a wave board!!
Joe the 225 was a bit slippery but never let me down even flying on the chop with the 5.8 
CA50,265/43 SS,5.8RS - CA44,225/43 SS, 5.0 RS
Decrepit (55576km):
5989 days ago 2 categories   Another short session, this time I had good sailing gloves from Avalon Sail Co. But after 1/2 hour my hands told me it was time to quit. Bandaids still on OK, just must be pressure aggravating them.
Forgot to change my fin after the tip delamned on last months session, probably would have gone a bit quicker whithout a leading edge brake flap on the fin.
Pleased with the alpha, gloves aren't affecting my gybes.
Hardie (35900km):
5989 days ago Marathon session for me, I can hardly walk. fastest runs were on the Missile S Gaastra Vapor 5.5m, and Decrepit custom 22cm. Very shallow at hardies, destoyed 2 fins . Wind all over the place, first session about 12 to 23 kts second session about 15 to 25kts. The gusts weren't quite long enough. Fanatstic session overall. The alpha and nm, were done on T1 RS59, and Gaastra Vapor 6m, and Hybrid 24.5, now about 23.5cm, one of my fave fins destroyed by hardies limestone.
Brilliant effort by Tim, he was just smokin today.
Elmo (32159km):
5989 days ago 1 categories  JP Slalom IV 70L, NP RSS MK II 5.8m, Elmo Weed 23cm 20cm.
Had a great day today, bought my first ever brand spanking new sail (Thanks Reg for the Deal) had to take it out and give it a test drive, was underdone but I didn't care.
Got a couple of nice rins but was suffering from some cavitation issues caused by harnes line position and being a fat bastard with heavy feet, but I didin't care, even the cavitation mid run when the back of the board felt like it wanted to be the front of the board made me have a major rectal cleanching moment, I didn't care.
When the wind eased back and I struggled at touch getting back I still didn't care
When on my last return run I found one of the infamous hardies run rocks hiding 19cm below the surface hitting that having a very good look around the front of the mast when the impact tried to catapult me and taking 2cm of the end of my fin (Hardies an amature at destruction) I still didn't care
My new sail is mega horny and felt sweet, I look forward to the days when Ye olde 6.2 would normally be trying to pull to cut little red arms from the sockets.
Today was a redemtion sail, I didn't care I had Fun
Congrats to Tim and Hards for and awesome effort out there today 