Jack (492km):
5894 days ago An OK Sunday afternoon at Port Sorell a bit gusty, but OK, used a 7.5 m2 sail, a good move in the end.
Nice to have sand under your feet after Johno's swamp
Anthony Perkins (23512km):
5894 days ago wind was on and off had to pick the lucky runs.managed six good runs,did alot of standing around but it was nice to be back out there after a break.ribs still a bit sore.
fanatic falcon 79,north warp 6.3,31 s07
Izaak Perkins (22975km):
5894 days ago 1 categories  very gusty and under powered but good to be out.tried a bit bigger fin today should of tried the 6.3 with it any way next time
gear-ca sp 44,north sails warp 5.8,select lighting 26
Bear (9236km):
5894 days ago Sailed at Dorans Rd. in bump and jump conditions wind was NW. most of the time but swung SW. later on. speeds increased by about 3 knots in the SW. as you could sail up the troughs rather than over the bumps.
JP 94, Loft Blade 6.8, 32 venom
Dave Morehead (30097km):
5893 days ago 2 categories   Sailed Doran's. Wind was gusting every few minutes (literally) from 12-25 knots. Out on the water by about 11 am. Sailed for about an hour and then came in and was going to pack up, but waited a while and decided to go back out. Wind increased to around 18-25 knots, but was still super gusty and swinging from NNW to W and at one point SW. Killer chop most of the time (good practice), but at times, some nice 'channels' down the chop as the wind would swing. Sailed upwind many times, trying to line my self up for a NM (the bay is only about 0.7 NM, so you need to work up wind and then angle down (crazy). Got one good run for the day and was pretty pleased with it as it was around 22 knots at the start and finish, but was most around 31-32, giving me an 29.9 average. All up, a good day. About 20 people out sailing, which was great.
Sailed iSonic 86 (2009) and Severne SSR 5.6 all day. Combo felt good in the gusts and alway managed stay up-right in the lulls.