Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Doddi | | | | | | |
Hardie | | | | | | |
Adam | | | | | | |
evets | | | | | | |
Webby | | | | | | |
Elmo | | | | | | |
Decrepit | | | | | | |
Bender | | | | | | |
Craw | | | | | | |
Sammy the snail | | | | | | |
Binny | | | | | | |
man of | | | | | | |
Bugs |
Firiebob |
Pepe47 |
SluGger |
Bully boy fat Basil |
ratz |
fangy |
otts |
Oaf |
(Puf-) fin |
Shane121 |
WazzaYotty |
Morts |
Mad Max |
TOBYchef |
Jonski |
Swindy |
remery |
Auz |
waricle |
Greggo |
Frank |
Rayman |
Rocky |
Hammer |
Lombok |
Katalyst |
The Scud |
Stingray |
Rob |
Sam |
Scud |
Ilya Panagushin |
Average | 39.38 | 36.71 | 18.93 | 24.07 | 32.80 | 166.82 |
Doddi (7662km):
5873 days ago Got there at 6am, Claude rocked up next. Went out with 6.6m and AB+59, after a while got way over powered on that got 37kts which was fastest on that board. Was gonna go for distance but wind picked up and wore me out. Rigged up 5.9m and went out on AB+54cm wide slalom, quick Combo, but water was way to choppy, but top speeds done with the smaller gear. Well done Elmo!!!
Hardie (35900km):
5873 days ago 1 categories  Some big no.'s to follow today from Pinna;s SRM and MM. say more later.
Elmo was King of Hardies today, Well done mate, lot's of Heavy Hitters out there today, and you are back where you belong!!!!!!
Gaastra Vapor 6m, T1 RS60 Lessacher 28, 1 hr and Alpha's.
2sce and 5x10 used F2 Missile s 23cm weed
Adam (8003km):
5873 days ago 2 categories   Good day at Hardies today, wind was a bit west and tide high so there was some chop down the run which slowed things up a bit
some great efforts all round a few PB's being sought will watch with interest as the sessions go up tonight
CA SP50, 5.8 RS Slalom II and sawn off Flying objects weedy
evets (21562km):
5873 days ago Morning with the kids and afternoon on the water. Launched about 3.30 as wind slowly started to increase. wnet to alphaland for some 2 sec runs.
1 attempt at theNM. Saw Snides was on 5.0 at this time and I was stating to get overpowered. Stung on foot again by a cobbler. Right foot this time
SonicW52, RSSII 5.8 and 24cm weedy.
flet quick on some of the runs.
Happy with the #s
Many thanks to Elmo and Nebs with derigging. My foot is in v hot water now. Hot pack in microwave.

Webby (1961km):
5873 days ago 1 categories  84 JP freestyle wave 5.8 x15 tushie sail Maui 23cm fin Very good wind overpowered most of the time dropped a bit mid afternoon not easy to jibe but still had a good time lots of sailors out should be some good times
Elmo (32159km):
5873 days ago 2 categories   JP Slalom IV 104L & 70L
NP RS4 6.7 & NP RS Racing 5.8m
JP Slaom III 36 +10 33.5cm & KenElmo 40º 24cm
Long day at the office today, very gusty day, with some quite powerfull gusts coming through with basically zero warning.
Absolutely stoked to finally get 40.00 on the dial Yyyyeeeeaaaahhhhhaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh the muppet danced was danced with vigor
Unfortunately it was just a rogue gust and not repeated.
Stoked with my experimental +10 fin, got 5knots quicker than its earlier incarnation as a straight 36cm on second run, Smug mode.
Thought I'd got a distance PB but unfortunately I'd forgoton to reset the odometer fromprevious session.
Good day
There are some guys goiung to post some big distances today
Decrepit (55576km):
5873 days ago 2 categories   couldn't quite get in to the groove today, didn't last a full 1hr in any session and was hoping for another distance PB, but just ran out of energy.
Great fun though!
Congrats to Evets for his 35
Bender (23190km):
5873 days ago Iso86, RSSMKII 6.7m, 30cm Choco Mach1(lender from Elmo)
Quick sail at my local after spending the weekend in Walpole (team sacrifice).
It was a crappy Southerly. didnt stay out long. Well done team
Craw (4307km):
5873 days ago Not the most productive sail today at Hardies,only managed a few short sessions due to nursing a hangover from the night before .
great work on the pb's to all and sorry to hear about another sting Steve
6.2 rss mk3,109L/62cm jp ss,29cm jp ss fin
Sammy the snail (29353km):
5872 days ago 1 categories  youpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie PBss , cool banana, finilly got that NM I been try to crack for long time...the 5x10 is a great and unexpected bonus yeeeeeeeeahhhhhh
Good day with the boys at Hardies, decent nbs outhere... awesome 40 for Elmy well done mate, well done , I did the Elmo dance he was so happy! Well done Evets too, its only the begining told you Steve, not bad for cheap gear .
I think lot of pbs again... Claude the machine was out on fire again, doing lot Ks, still there going when left , got a PB too!
Edit: wrong data entry.. only minor, 5x10 was 36.273, NM was 32.737
CA44 - 5.8 RSS - 245/43_SS + 6kgs weight
Binny (3116km):
5872 days ago
man of (3048km):
5872 days ago Decrepit here, (under hardie's supervision) checked Matts Alpha, Realspeed says 27.6 GPSarPro says 18.2. KA72 Speed Reader also says 18.2
An examination of the realspeed 27.6 track shows it to be a zigzag, not a gybe, the doppler and trackpoint speed graph have a big diversion here also, looks like the GT11 temporarily got lost, and realspeed interprets the coming back to gether as a gybe, but the min speed is 26kts max speed 29.
So I've taken the next alpha down, and posted for man of.