Slowboat (50749km):
5631 days ago Surprisingly windy all day. Got there to see it windy, helped my mum rig up, and got one run in before it swung and seemed to drop. I was spewing since the first run was a 38 on the dial half way to majestic point. But... the wind came back at the more westerly angle.
Started off on the 6.2m RSR, SP53 and CL27S. The wind died off a bit so I rigged the 7.8m and plugged it onto the JP 122 / CL38S. Mission was to get this 76cm wide board over 35kts. Did a couple of 34s and a 35, then the wind came back in. Was able to hold it all down for a hairy ride back to the carpark in 25kts. Great fun.
Back on the SP53 and got a 40.6 on the dial before getting frustrated with missing gusts and the green snot clogging the fin. I grabbed the JP49 which had the KA23 sym in it- nice and raked for the snot. It was a little more bouncy and with the shorter fin I did a couple of spinouts at 38kts. With only a couple of runs on it I got my second fastest 10 second for the day. Unfortunately none of my other fins fit the box (the base mould is oversized to fit the carbon arts) so I went back to the SP53 with a raked 27cm fin to finish off the day.
Great to see the machine back online, and a post-work appearance from PD and a few others. The carpark was full on a day that could be called a classic winter frontal day- except that the water was warm. Thats probably the last of those for another 8 months.