Mike Sinclair (25206km):
5556 days ago Distance session at Lake Ellesmere, sunny and a nice steady Sou'wester for a start then died off slowly over the last couple of hours.
The usual horrible Ellesmere chop, like a corrugated iron roof with the corrugations a foot high. Even so , looks like the best place we have for distance since you can get away with not so much gybing. Total of only 30 gybes for nearly 100 kms.....much better in this regard than the harbour.
Started on SL 58 with TR3 5.9 and Curtis SR5 32 fin and well powered for the first hour then the wind just died a little so onto SL62 with MFC SL2 36 fin and TR4 6.3, then died some more so onto TR3 7.0 finally and carried on until not planing on even this.
Terry stayed on TR5 6.3 with his CA SL62 and this was probably the story as he kept sailing and got more kms up.
Nice session and the arms and legs feel well second hand now........and we are supposed to get a Noreaster tomorrow, so more of it !