Elmo (32130km):
5514 days ago 2 categories   JP Slalom VI 65cm, NP RSSS MkII 7.2m, JP Elmo 22° 36cm.
Got down to the run there was almost no wind, an hour later there was a hint of wind, decided to opt,istyically rig up the Slalom board in the hope that the wind would come in, tempted fate even more by putting a pointer(ish) fin on with such a low tide.
Eventually started walking the kit down the channel and the wind started filling in hop on the board chugg out into deeper water fall of clean the crap of the fin, water start and yeahagh we're of and ripping, the wind gradually filled in, ended doing a run over to Claudesville with MDF and a great run back unfortunately I'd picked up some weed starting and clouldn't clear it so had drag on the fin and fin vibratition most of the way back still great fun blast back with lots of lead swaps.
Got back tweeked a mast base settings did a couple of belts down the run which were fun tried getting a few gybes right.
Fun little session
