Jase (1717km):
5445 days ago Yarralumla, ACT, AU
Westerly 10-28 knots, Sometimes zero knots.
JP X-cite 120, NP Zen 6.7 and JP SS 34cm fin.
Bristol (788km):
5444 days ago A late-afternoon sail on Lake Burley Griffin. Conditions were frustratingly quiet at first, but was rewarded with my persistence with some solid gusts as the sun was setting (that's when I did the 26.22). Starting to get cold here; air temp about 10 degrees today. Water temp not much above that. But, quoting a line from "Lock, stock and two smoking barrels", "a little bit of pain never hurt anyone".
JP xCiteRide 130, Naish Sprint 7.3 (I called it a "Stealth" last post; don't know where that came from ) and Select 40 weedie fin.