Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Dan | | | | | | |
Mike Sinclair | | | | | | |
Shane Blake | | | | | | |
Scope | | | | | | |
Terry A | | | | | | |
Steven Mc | | | | | | |
Allan Taylor | | | | | | |
Glen |
whererulucy |
Ned Tamatea |
Dinks |
Sean Patterson |
Ben Collins |
Terry Beentjes |
Fred de Haas |
g |
Veeman |
Stephen |
Taylor |
Dave |
nzakka |
Holly |
Finn |
Derek R |
MrFish |
Dan M |
Ben |
Pete |
Tom O'Neill |
Miranda |
John Ross |
Fenella Bowater |
Allan Taylor |
Vee |
Windsurfing Nelson |
The Shop Grom |
Aaron White |
SeanP |
Olivia |
Average | 36.27 | 33.60 | 12.64 | 23.74 | 25.30 | 65.66 |
Dan (49894km):
5250 days ago 1 categories  Isonic 44, Overdrive 6.0, C3 venom 26. Lake clearwater. Good start to the weekend. First 35+ with this set up. Solid 25knots NW
Mike Sinclair (25206km):
5250 days ago Lake Clearwater , annual club camp, sun, wind and heaps of people (100+?) bedlam around the launch area with kites and boards all over the show....great fun.
Lucky we didn't get good speed sailing conditions since some of the teabaggers wanted to do freestyle right in the only water that we can speed sail in....all that lake to use and they want to be right with us.....could have became dangerous with another 10 knots of wind.
Shane Blake (543km):
5250 days ago
Scope (2305km):
5250 days ago
Terry A (21300km):
5249 days ago CA 58 TR 5 5.9 Sting 32 then CA 52 venom 28
Wind a bit gusty never really hooked into any big gusts
great to have so many of the guys posting at Lake Clearwater
Well done on the PBs guys
Steven Mc (827km):
5249 days ago Great weekend: fantastic company. Nice wind, quintessential Clearwater conditions. Wife wants to get GPS scores too. Can't share so might have to go shopping.
Allan Taylor (2665km):
5248 days ago Fri - Nth 5.8 , Falcon 79 , Venom 28...Quick session before dinner...Mast too stiff ,
broke the 400 in the freestyle gear earlier in the day..