Elmo (32159km):
5180 days ago 1 categories  JP SLW, NP RSS MkIV 7.8m, JP Slalom 56cm & LE Formula weed 50cm
The plan was today to go for distance.
Unfortunately you don't talk about plans cause Huey's got big ears and loves to spoil the best laid plans of mice and muppets.
Got down the run this morning to find it cold and rainy and surprisingly breezy, put the call out to the rest of the crew, unfortuantely by the time I got rigged and sorted the wind had eased of considerably, went out originally with the 56cm pointer on as the set up had run so nicely a couple of days before with it, the slight easterly in the breeze was a bit of a pain trying to keep in the deep water, so was the copious quantities of weed floating around which I couldn't see due the the consistantly pussing down rain and not wearing my polerizing glass's. Sailed for just shy of 2 hours thought mid 30's to 40Nm piece a wee, was very disapointed to find a massive 26Nm on the dial.
Had a sit around as the wind had died, had a absolutely brilliant idea of a nice hot pie and chips from the Novara deli, Hmmmmmmm nioce warm , got back hung around for another hour Decrep and Pepe went out and were dogging around, got bored and went out as well, this time with the weedy on, had a ball just chugging around and doing low low speed gybes, I got to tell you I was letting out a lot of Woo Hoo's and was laughing a lot over those, had the most fun of the day doing that lot.
Eventually the wind picked up a bit and we were back up and planing again, added another 20Nm when the wind started backing of again, unfortunately the weedy although good at sheding wedd is incredible draggy and a pian to get going.
Eventualy flagged it as I'd worn my feet away on the deck grip, neck and hands were giving me grief as well, left the run with Hardz and Decrep still out there in a rapidly fading breeze.
A fun session with the boys whilst everyone was at work  How good is that  