Adam (8003km):
5084 days ago 2 categories Safety Bay, WA, AU Futura 101, 7.8 RS Slalom III, 40cm Choco Weedy
Average session today, Best Alpha was a left hander which is very unusual for me, a bit dissapointed with the NM, it was hastily initiated after something big broached the surface just near me and had a shadow as it slunk back underwater that made me want to put as much distance between me it it as soon as possible, ended shorter than intended too with and out of control spinout/slide down a waveface out on the sound side of the spit
Sammy the snail (29353km):
5084 days ago After a crap start I had an absolute ball , went play in the swell
Where the F did you go Adam? the plan was around the Island!!
RRD80L, RSR5.8, SS250/40WIDE