Dave Morehead (30097km):
4772 days ago 2 categories   Pipe Clay Lagoon, TAS, AU
Not a bad sail at Cremorne Lagoon. Got there just as the wind was picking up. Tide looked pretty low, so tentatively headed up toward the oyster racks, hopping off every now and again to see how deep it was. Knee deep, so I thought that should be OK! First run was 34.81 knots. Heading back out again went straight over the oyster patch and hit them pretty hard, but managed to plough through resulting in lots of jagged bits of oyster embedded in my fin. Decided best not to go back up there again. Sailed in the shallows on the other side of the oysters for a while, but really choppy, so decided to try another run down the oyster racks before it got too shallow. Made it, but decided not to push my luck again. Wind started to pick up, but lumpy chop everywhere. Coming from the SSW I think, which made it quite broard between the two markers over near the other side. Hard to get speed up with all of the chop, so started each run quite down wind, so I could point up to the first marker and then sling-shot down toward the second one. The chop was flattening out here more and was sort of going in the direction of the wind, so just had to sail straight over the back of it. Managed a 35, then a 36 and then a 37 on the dial. then consistently doing 35 knot runs as the wind backed off a bit. As the tide went out the water got flatter, but the wind went more around to the south and continued to drop.
Starboard iSonic 86, Severne Reflex III 6.2 and C3 Venom 34cm. Gear felt rock solid as always. Needed more wind!!
Jez (11680km):
4771 days ago Pipe Clay Lagoon, TAS, AU
Naish SP95, KA Race 6.3 and Venom 34
Not a bad sail with Klass, Dave was packing up as I arrived. A bit gusty and light at times but a bit of fun. Sooooo over the lagoon, bring on the frontal winds again.
Thought Dave wanted to steal the Naish, I think he wanted it 