jdemol (2027km):
4616 days ago Lake Illawarra, NSW, AU
custom chopped slalom board ~85L, with 6.0 np V8 and custom weed fin ~23cm I think
Got to the lake early, blowing 15-20 kts and freezing cold. Picked up later with some 30 kt gusts coming through now and then. Board + fin was feeling good, but the board was slowly shedding the footstrap pads which wasn't helping the speeds. Good fun session though. Terry where were you?
TERRY (46308km):
4616 days ago Lake Illawarra, NSW, AU Went around to Primbee, just as strong as yesterday. John was that FUN blasting through the weed beds at 36kts.
Couple of runs out to the Island, very choppy, got down behind the wharf for one run, plenty of floaty weed.
Worn out, gave it away. Also out Glen, Mark, Jason and Phillip. Tex arrived for a chat.
Tabou Rocket 85l Loft Lip Wave 4.7
Eckers (12311km):
4616 days ago WOW. Windy. Way overpowered, gusty, choppy, bullets coming through. Nothing to write home about. Got some photos of the Illawarra crew off Primbee in the morning though. Will post on seabreeze. Respect to Ken and Mike for crossing the lake.
bushfire (26346km):
4615 days ago Lake Illawarra, NSW, AU. Primbee, SSW Gusts up to 30 knots
A lot less wind than yesterday (thankfully), and only had about 1 hour on the water. Great fun across the weed flats in front of the IYC - a short run but smooth water. I felt underpowered most of the time and had to go before the wind picked up a bit .
Good to be sailing with John - very fast on the flying fridge door . Also out with Terry and Mark.
JP 49, SV R3 5.6, MU Delta 17.6