Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Benjamin Verdin | | | | | | |
Tom De Pauw | | | | | | |
B52 | | | | | | |
H-Attack | | | | | | |
Reginald Gyselinck | | | | | | |
Rakker | | | | | | |
Anho |
pat B84 |
Dennis De Pauw |
Tim Aerts |
C@rLo$ (RIP) |
Koco |
Jacques Pellen |
Surfdre |
paul van de perre |
jokke |
Tan |
Robin Blondeel |
RafJet |
patfly |
koco |
koco |
Average | 42.58 | 39.37 | 6.96 | 3.30 | 6.80 | 113.94 |
Benjamin Verdin (16480km):
4509 days ago 1 categories  Day 7, session 8: The day started with high wind chop slalom training. Used a new Futura 121 out of the box. What a fabulous board !! Used alot of iSonics this week as well as Futura's. In those choppy conditions the Futura's are faster, easier to gybe and more relax. Imagine my weight on a 121L board with 7,5 race-sail in the chop (except during low tide). Check now the distance i did... Most of the others were on 5-5,7. Kiters were using 7-8m sails... Exhausted and dehydrated. Refilled my camelbak 3 times, but last three hours without any fluid. All without wetsuit in tropical conditions. Need to check my wrist condition tomorrow. Time for massage now !!
Tom De Pauw (20674km):
4509 days ago 1 categories  Hardcore day !
Finally i had the chance to test my smallest 40 cm. CarbonArt board thoroughly.
Very nice board, always under control, even when the gusts were unexpected hard.
Due to the cold i could only make 6 runs and 14 km...
B52 (19408km):
4509 days ago super day, i love these condiions. Altough i was a liitle bid to late, i still had a great time. After a certain time you have the good ritme and then the wind drops. <img alt=
H-Attack (19719km):
4509 days ago 2 categories   Eindelijk nog eens echt wind. Veel van verwacht, weinig van terechtgekomen.
Eigen schuld. Had maar geen afspraak moeten maken voor deze middag. Nog geprobeerd om deze te verzetten, maar niet iedereen gaat evenver mee met het \"spelletje\". Dus vanaf nu enkel afspraken vanaf 1 uur na zonsondergang <img alt=
Reginald Gyselinck (4595km):
4509 days ago
Rakker (18937km):
4509 days ago 1 categories  Not my day<img alt=