Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Russell Dowd | | | | | | |
Kazza | | | | | | |
Ben Flood | | | | | | |
Dave Morehead | | | | | | |
Gordo | | | | | | |
Stewart McKay | | | | | | |
cookie | | | | | | |
Ray Thorne | | | | | | |
Azza | | | | | | |
Ben Wilson | | | | | | |
Paul Tenteye | | | | | | |
Geoff Broomby | | | | | | |
Kaleb Smith | | | | | | |
Bear | | | | | | |
Al | | | | | | |
Steve200 | | | | | | |
Barry | | | | | | |
Fos | | | | | | |
Al Bach |
Anthony Perkins |
Izaak Perkins |
James Brient |
Jordan Murray |
Richard CS |
Johno |
Jack |
Jason |
Tom |
Fubbs |
starboardsailor |
Jez |
Easty |
Anthony Houston |
Marlon |
Jodi |
Sim |
Waynos |
Klaas Hartmann |
geared4knots |
Will |
Liana Perkins |
Corkers |
veitz |
Shorty |
Matt Webster |
Jules |
Johnny |
Parky |
Hughie |
Sampson |
Breno |
Fletcher |
Todd Sushames |
Jimmy |
TGale |
Dave Jack |
Old Man Steve |
Jock C |
JimoKG |
brad peters |
DJ |
Angus C |
James Park |
Kelso Pete |
Chol |
Latte |
Parky jnr |
WickedP |
mort67 |
VT |
Tom Males |
Average | 38.11 | 34.76 | 16.97 | 22.68 | 25.82 | 65.05 |
Russell Dowd (7146km):
4432 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU
Mauisails TR9 6.3 Naish sp ltd 95 Vector rocket 32 39.28 on the dial looked so nice
What a day windy ,choppy and high tide allowing me to run deep of the wind That TR9 is soooooo nice it's just so easy to run fast in the chop. This is my PB for rough water and I am so happy. I was the only one on the water at that time. Man these Mauisails TR9 sails smoke off the wind.
My second sail Kaleb peak was 36.69 if you were interested
Kazza (14133km):
4432 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU
5.4 OD 86slim Isonic 28 Venom
Very gusty day. Rigged smallish thinkiing it was going to howl, but got sucked in, needed bigger fin & sail. But was a great sail anyway.
Ben Flood (3609km):
4432 days ago Sanctuary Point, NSW, AU
my mast exploded and put an end to my distance plans....appologies to anyone who made an effort to pair up with me
Dave Morehead (30097km):
4432 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU
Fun sail at Dorans on the new 6.2 Reflex 4, iSonic 86 and 34cm Venom. Tide was out quite a bit, so had to sail further out in the bay.
Well done Russ on your 39 knot PB - that is awesome!!
Gordo (3836km):
4431 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU Sonic 95, RS 7.2 Pleased to get a sail with the bigger gear after first attempt with a 5.4 as it was really blowing while initially rigging up.
Stewart McKay (8820km):
4431 days ago Good easy sail on some flat water testing out a new/old fin that felt pretty solid
code red 7m, Is86, FO Nitro36
cookie (20724km):
4431 days ago Port Sorrell, TAS, AU Not a bad sail today, fairly rough away from the sandbank but a better direction than yesterday. Fanatic Falcon 95 ,NCX 6.5, C3 Venom 34
Ray Thorne (6975km):
4431 days ago Port sorell The longer we stayed out the flatter it got, BUT then the wind droppped. OH well it was time to go and feed the worms anyway! tried a shorter mast today with good results ,far better rotation and balance Nice work Russ and well done Ben!!!
ISO86 NP RSS#3 6.2
Azza (1548km):
4431 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU
evo 75 revo 4.6
Ben Wilson (21612km):
4431 days ago 1 categories  Lagoon Beach, TAS, AU
Good blast between teaching learners in the bay. Was hell lumpy in the middle during the outgoing tide, some of the swell had lips! but flatter water when the tide turned.
Carve 99 Starboard 28cm Ice 6.2m
Paul Tenteye (11076km):
4431 days ago 1 categories  Lagoon Bay...went out for a few runs during the learn to windsurf day. Very bumpy with gusts to 30knts and very little flat water. some big chop/ramps in the middle of the river
IS86, Loft Blade 6.3, venom32
Geoff Broomby (43967km):
4431 days ago Lagoon Beach, TAS, AU
Geat sailing at Learners day , great wind all day .
5.7 Severne Blade , Isonic 76
Kaleb Smith (21269km):
4431 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU
Isonic 80, venom 32, Reflex 3 5.6. Missed the good stuff but happy with a spot PB with the one good gust!
Bear (9236km):
4431 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU Got on the water too late and missed the stronger wind
Al (305km):
4430 days ago Lagoon Beach, TAS, AU
Steve200 (37512km):
4429 days ago Coles Bay, TAS, AU
Good fun sail at Moulting Lagoon. No fun police there so all good. First proper sail on the 117 and felt fantastic.
Isonic 117, R4 7.8 and C3 42cm Sting 2.
Barry (24372km):
4427 days ago Port Sorrell, TAS, AU
Fos (2071km):
4418 days ago Dorans, TAS, AU