Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Mark Hampton | | | | | | |
AJEaster | | | | | | |
Chris Kelemen | | | | | | |
. | | | | | | |
Atomic | | | | | | |
Bill | | | | | | |
Mehore | | | | | | |
Gabe | | | | | | |
Steve | | | | | | |
Andre Da Costa | | | | | | |
Jamie | | | | | | |
Hamish Stuart | | | | | | |
Far-Mid-North Coast | | | | | | |
Pugs | | | | | | |
Peter Braun | | | | | | |
Mark Jordan |
Trent Cooper |
Phil Luke |
Greg Cacace |
Dale Jordan |
RafD |
Jason Fardell |
Maree Jordan |
Chris K |
Garry Minogue |
Wayne Hardes |
Dion |
Wally164 |
Geoff |
Bruce |
Matthew Klause |
Aza |
Phil Bennett |
Martin |
JustinL |
Ela |
Andrew Muir |
Irishtom |
Feebz |
Stuart Grehan |
Rob |
Glenn Bolton |
Bairdy |
snelly |
Fitzy |
Brett Aqua Man Algie |
Germain |
Ricky Bobby |
Shark |
AllisonAUS911 |
Average | 35.77 | 32.19 | 16.29 | 21.24 | 27.94 | 69.42 |
Mark Hampton (6863km):
4347 days ago Queens Lake, NSW, AU
Quick sail with the Team. Forgot my harness. Lucky Steve had a spare one! Thanks Steve for the loan.
Did anyone find a Yellow & Black Handel Pillips Screw Drive. I must have left it on the grass somewhere.
Very Gusty. Happy with my 28 knots in chop. Never got over to the mud bank when the wind swung.
I-Sonic 101, 6m VMG, 31cm JP Weed.

AJEaster (3258km):
4347 days ago 1 categories  Queens Lake, NSW, AU
Falcon 99 Slalom and 7.3m HSM GPS, 34cm FO Weedy
Short Sharp sail today. Wind was gusting from glassy to 20-25kn. Decided to take the big board and 7.3 to hold me up through the gusts. Would have loved to have had the 79 or the Falcon 51 but there is no way I could have tacked it all the way up to the mudbank.
Mud bank was pretty bumpy today with the full tide, not bumpy like the middle of the lake, but not the smooth water we have become accustomed to. Boo-Hooo.
Caught the tail end of a couple of the bigger gusts - my first run across the bank was a cracker - fully lit heading downwind between small rolling chop - the shallow water at the end smoothed it off and it felt real fast for the big gear - that was the 37kn run......a new pb for the Falcon 99.This was an "edge of the seat run" that was teatering on the boarder of either disaster or glory - thankfully it was the later.
Sail was cut short as I had a massive stack bearing off for another run which felt like it was gunna be a cracker, did something bad to my neck so i floated in the water for a while to get reoriented, but didnt feel right, felt woozy and had a vom to feed the fish, so I called it a day. Would have loved to have sailed for longer today to get my 5x10 up as I didnt get enough time up on the bank to get in enough good runs. Next time.

Poor Greg had a paddle back from the mud bank. I saw Steve go, and preseumed that greg had left too as I saw a blue sail on the water down near the carpark. Turns out the blue sail was Raf's and greg was paddling home after breaking a uni - sorry I didnt see you Greg. Shit of a paddle - I hope the back mends quick!!!!
Chris Kelemen (3288km):
4347 days ago Wallis Lake, NSW, AU. Sailing club. SW 20-35 knots. 4.5m and Carbon art 93 a good combo, but still sheeting out on the gusts - nuclear. Great to have a sail after so long without wind. Very choppy and gusty, but had a fun session.
. (49698km):
4347 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU ha, great sess, just a sweet time, heaps of my heros out today, yeah, a great time, it got pretty strong, ha, finally a session, im stoked, numbers arent great but im still feeling like a young muhummad ali..................i am the greatest
Atomic (7899km):
4347 days ago Wallis Lake, NSW, AU
Fun day on the 4.7 blade and my JP real world wave 83. Lots of jumps and jibes in over powerd conditions.
Bill (5407km):
4347 days ago Wallis Lake, NSW, AU
Mehore (24127km):
4347 days ago 2 categories   Canton Beach, NSW, AU Real windy and heaps of dudes out. Welldone Johnny on your Naughty PB. SSW 25 to 30 + 5.7 Koncept 92 jp slalom 27 weedy. Go Marauders!
Gabe (15447km):
4347 days ago 1 categories  Sailing Club,Wallis Lake, NSW, AU
Been away from the computer for a while, and this is the first time there's been any wind for ages. Good turn up today.Chris, Andre,Pete, Rob, Bill, Anton and Ella having a good go today in this wind.Well done!! A few kiters, and a new guy Cyril,Cirrus? from Newy way.
Wind was SW then turned more SSW-South at about 15-25 then 25-30+ at times. Plenty of weed, and lotsa chop.Had three sessions on F2Axxis 262 Curtis B&J 25.5 Gaastra Poison 4.7, then Vapor 5.5 and SL79 and vector 27, then Hawk 93Ltd with the 4.7 and Curtis.
Must say it was quite a handful and hard work today, as the wind really kicked in. Good to be back on the water, but I feel out of condition.
Go Marauders!!!
Steve (29492km):
4347 days ago 2 categories   Fun sail at Queens Lake with the guys. Gusty and choppy but got some nice runs behind the mud bank.
F2 sx small and medium, Hot Sails gps 6.0m, Flying objects 28cm,30cm weedsters.
Andre Da Costa (2504km):
4347 days ago Wallis Lake, NSW, AU
Jamie (1913km):
4347 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU
Big day to day, havent ever seen that many folks at Canton. Fanatic Falcon 125 (too big really for the day) 6.6m North Natural (could have done with a more stable sail). Happy chappy!!
Hamish Stuart (2135km):
4346 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU
5.9 loft sail. Gusts were hard to handle. Looking forward to coming back to Canton
Far-Mid-North Coast (276km):
4346 days ago Marmong Point, NSW, AU. Got hammered today. Gusts to 35kt and big messy swell. Never comfortable or secure, and it showed. Still survival is fun to, right? Hats off to Big Tom ( for having the guts to go out for a second and third time. Used 5.8 Sailworks Revo, Starboard Kode 114. Later used a Angulo Sumo 150 just to give me a bit better directional stability and not get bounced so much. I know if I can commit to the harness more I wont get bounced so much or tire my arms so quickly. Knowing and doing are two entirely different things unfortunately.
Well done to Greg Kiskarparti (, and to Andre and Jamie from the Marauders on some excellent PBs in tough conditions.
Pugs (10835km):
4346 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU
Peter Braun (4719km):
4345 days ago 1 categories  Wallis Lake, NSW, AU Good day with Gabe, Chris, Andre, Robert, Bill, Ella, Anton and a new guy Cyrille.