Slowboat (50607km):
4259 days ago long day at rsoles... 5.5m E3, Mistral Speed 95, CL26 slalom. Optimistic for it to fill in, and some short squalls to tease us, and cause a few walks of shame after the one lucky run. Not sure why it was so gusty. Thunderstorm left a few stains. It hung around and all the lightning seemed to converge close to the lake.
Used the big board since it was SO gusty and needed it to float in after pretty much every gust. There were two good gusts all day. Nailed the first one right at the start of the mission for a Speed95 PB and 44.96 on the dial. Stoked. Everything was super stable and flying off the tail. The second squall was stronger and nearly flattened me getting into position to do the slingshot... and unfortunately there was a lull where I needed the gust. Still enough for 43. Then it promptly shut down again. Got a few more scraps until it was time to head back to civilisation before we couldnt see anything.
Like clockwork with trolley loaded and part way through the treck back to the car, the wind booted and went epic. It stayed that way all the way home in the car getting nailed by falling twigs and dodginh fallen branches.... oh what might have been.
Still good to get on the mission and share it with a few other nutters.