Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Fudge | | | | | | |
CJ | | | | | | |
MAXED OUT | | | | | | |
Duffy | | | | | | |
Tomski | | | | | | |
Doddi | | | | | | |
sms09 | | | | | | |
Rod |
Mitch |
Stu |
Kenno |
Ji-Normous |
Saltynuts |
Girl Speed |
Kaison |
Strawbs |
Windsup |
Maxx |
Paulo |
Tommy Maciejewski |
Average | 39.26 | 37.56 | 16.15 | 24.60 | 25.98 | 44.94 |
Fudge (3122km):
4095 days ago 8.6 vapor , mistral 137 , lockwood SL1 35.5
bit of fun on the bigger gear didnt ever really feel over powerd
Melville Beach, WA, AU
CJ (1066km):
4095 days ago 6.4 vapor mistral 91 CL1 30
bit sluggish
Melville Beach, WA, AU
MAXED OUT (832km):
4095 days ago Novara Beach, WA, AU
nice little after work blast
Duffy (6171km):
4095 days ago 100LT Manta, 6.6 Savage, 34 CL Mk2
Frustrating arvo on the river, glimpses of some great runs only to out of puff! On the plus side I think ive found the sweet spot with the new boom and lines. Thanks Reg!
Melville Beach, WA, AU
Tomski (21953km):
4095 days ago Shark Bay, WA
Mistral 91, sting II 32 / MXR 22 asy, TR8 5.5
Great day riddled with my usual last day stuff ups. Still a beautiful spot with cold beers and will always keep me coming back.
Doddi charging hard again........till the snake insident
Doddi (7662km):
4095 days ago Shark Bay
Mistral 57w, tr9 5.9,mXr 26
Another fun day. Tough day slightly over done. More tuning which was good. Got a good scare when I felt something on my foot. Another bloody sea snake. These things seem to be attracted to me. At least Tom got another laugh an that's just even funnier.
sms09 (12757km):
4095 days ago Peel Inlet, WA, AU CA58,TR6 5.9 venom31, Late afterwork sail, was good to get out, if only i didnt do the last job at pinjarra lost and hour there